
Asked Questions

What is Adult Foster Care?
Answer: Services ordered by a physician delivered to a member in a qualified setting by a multidisciplinary team and qualified AFC caregiver, that includes assistance with ADLs, IADLs, other personal care as needed, nursing services and oversight, and AFC care management.
What are ADL's?
Answer: Fundamental personal-care tasks that are performed as part of an individual’s routine of self-care. ADLs include, but are not limited to, eating, toileting, dressing, bathing, transferring, and ambulation.
What are IADL's?
Answer: Activities related to independent living that are incidental to the care of the member and that include, but are not limited to, household-management tasks, laundry, shopping, housekeeping, meal preparation and cleanup, transportation (accompanying the member to medical providers and other appointments), care and maintenance of wheelchairs and adaptive devices, medication management and any paperwork required for receiving prescribed medications within the AFC setting, or any other medical need determined by the AFC provider as being instrumental to the health care and general well-being of the member.
How do I apply?
Answer: Simply select the contact us tab at the top of the page and select the contact method that suits you best. Please leave the best time to reach you as well.
Does the member have to live with me?
Answer: Yes. Care must be provided within the home where both the member and the caregiver reside together.
How long will it take to become approved?
Answer: The length of time to approve the case is dependent on a number of different factors each case is individual and will be treated as such.
Can the member continue to attend adult day health?
Answer: Yes. Maturing Gracefully is a STRONG advocate for Adult day health and Senior Center enrollment.
How long will we receive services?
Answer: For as long as the eligible member meets the qualification criteria the time frame is indefinite.
Can we be involved in creating the members plan of care?
Answer: Absolutely. We at Maturing Gracefully greatly encourage the member and the members family to be heavily involved in the plan of care.
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