Resilience In Service

Resilience In Service

Here at Maturing Gracefully we deliver resilience in service. We are here to help with dedicated staff. Throughout times of uncertainty we have proven this in our track record. Weathering the storm through service requires commitment. Such includes making sure the...
Delivering on Our Purpose

Delivering on Our Purpose

By delivering on our purpose we have seen success in diversity. This has been done through recognizing any barriers to care among staff, caregivers and members. Visitations which our staff are driven to complete have been an outlet for positive change. Value is...
2020 A Year of Growth and Possibility

2020 A Year of Growth and Possibility

Maturing Gracefully’s growth as an AFC has thrived on our integrity in member care. Site advancement with staff roles as well as office functionality has aided in this. With the entrance of new key staff positioning we have been better able to foster member support....
2020 A Year of Growth and Possibility

Our Tailored Plans of Care

Our tailored plans of care separate us from other Adult Foster Care Programs. From finding the right doctor, to the teamwork of management we involve positivity in our care plans. Home visits are when we discuss the status of our members and advance in service...
Autonomy In Care

Autonomy In Care

Autonomy is defined as “the right or condition of self-government.” It is one of the values of Maturing Gracefully in the way our staff operates individually. Also, in the way we strive to represent this trait in the homes of our members and caregivers. This core...
Maturing Gracefully Obtains Accreditation

Maturing Gracefully Obtains Accreditation

With the aide of our stakeholders and the immense effort of our staff, Maturing Gracefully has been Accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA). The process involved a very concentrated effort. It also looked at current and future goals of the company. Such...
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